
Mostrando postagens de maio, 2023

Ori, me, my life and my destiny: why is all that I do going wrong?

  As Orixa's and Ifá's priest, I serve different kinds of people, and as a primary school to a college teacher, it’s common to see people say: “Nothing that I do works well”, or even, “All has luck except me”. In Yorubá Philosophy we believe in an elemental divinity known as Ori. Essential not just to our existence, also by owning the concept of reason or for existence though. In the cartesian world that we live in, we were taught that if we do correct things, everything is going to be all right, and as seen through history it’s not like that. Unfoutnetly, have diverse external cultural things such as gender, ethnicity, religion, and race, that can forbid any people’s development. The fact is, in our society who going to win is chosen. Bring the clarification of Orixa’s philosophy, all these problems, social problems begin in the invisible world and the relation with Egbe Orun (spiritual family) and Ori (essential divinity that we are), then, the instability made our Ori Or


  An essay about the theme of ancestry. All cultures have the base of their existence comprehension, the way to live, the belief or beliefs in magic elementals, spiritual, all connected or having the nature as a mother and the shelter of human being that we are. The beliefs myths, made people believe that at birth we sort out of big original, and when we died we return to the Creator back. In this process of birth and search for perfection through ideal behavior like-minded to in death be chosen by the Creator’s light, we named religion, and replay behaviors na gestures of our social groups, these gestures are called culture, that is the repetition of life’s comprehension of elders. Passing time, some groups start to standardize these manners, creating a conduct code, called today by ethics. Though the fact is, exists a consensus between myriad cultures, that we need to reverence our ancestors because we apprehend that they are the example of behavior that we must follow. There

Ori, eu, minha vida e o meu destino: porque tudo que eu faço da errado?

  Na condição de sacerdote, atendendo diversas pessoas, e mesmo enquanto professor que atua na educação básica e ensino superior, é muito frequente na boca das pessoas a seguinte fala : “nada do que eu faço da certo”, ou mesmo, “todo mundo tem sorte menos eu”. Na filosofia Ioruba acreditamos numa divindade essencial chamada Ori. Essencial não apenas por ser necessária para nossa existência, mas no sentido de possuir o conceito e as razões de nossa existência. Acontece que no modo cartesiano que vivemos, fomos ensinados que se você fizer tudo certo, tudo da certo, e analisando a história observamos que não é bem assim. Infelizmente há diversos fatores externos como questões culturais que envolvem gênero, etnia, opções religiosas, questões raciais que podem impedir o desenvolvimento de qualquer pessoa. O fato é que, na nossa sociedade se elege quem pode vencer ou não. Trazendo a luz da filosofia dos nossos orixás, todos estes problemas, de ordem social tem origem no mundo invisível